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Historian. Associate Professor and Professor of the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Professor of the Master's Degree in Cultural Heritage Preservation at IPHAN. Specialist in heritage studies in memory and museum policies in post-colonial contexts. Advisor to the National History Association, on the IPHAN Advisory Board. Productivity Researcher at CNPq and Scientist at Nosso Estado – FAPERJ.

Márcia Regina Romeiro Rain

Historian. Associate Professor and Professor of the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Professor of the Master's Degree in Cultural Heritage Preservation at IPHAN. Specialist in heritage studies in memory and museum policies in post-colonial contexts. Advisor to the National History Association, on the IPHAN Advisory Board. Productivity Researcher at CNPq and Scientist at Nosso Estado – FAPERJ.

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